Abstract Submission

Deadline for abstract submission is extended to the 13th of september

Abstract should be sent to : workshop@gis3m.org


Content of abstract



First name, middle initials if required, and surname with no full stop at the end. Underline the name of the corresponding author. A comma should separate author names. Where authors are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution number from the affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author’s name, e.g.:
John Smith1, Mary Jones2,3, Bill Fisher3


Affiliations should include department, institute, town and country. Where there are multiple affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph. Each institute should appear in the order used against the author names (see above paragraph) and show the appropriate superscript number, e.g.:

  1. Department, University, Town, Postcode, France
  2. Institution, Town, Postcode, UK
  3. Company, Town, Postcode, Italy

Main text

Abstracts that describe a method, network, software or a database can be submitted in an unstructured format.  Research-based abstracts should be structured into sections: background, material and methods, main results and conclusion.

Email of corresponding author

Only one corresponding author per abstract will be accepted.


There are 4 themes under which your abstract can be submitted. See the Guidelines for more details.

Preferred support

Indicate if you would prefer an oral or poster presentation.


Title in bold. Text in ‘Times New Roman’ font, size 12.
Abstract must be submitted as a word document to workshop@gis3m.org
The word limit for an abstract is 300 words (2400 characters with spaces).

The deadline to submit an abstract is August 31st, 2015.
You may only submit one first-author abstract and only give one presentation (oral or poster). You can be a second author on another oral or poster presentation as long as that work is presented by one of your co-authors.

Oral presentations are 12 minutes long (+ 3 minutes questions).
The categories you can submit your abstract under are:

1- Ecology and monitoring: Progress, gap and needs on the population status. New methodologies and strategies for bottlenose dolphins monitoring in the North Western Mediterranean Sea (NWMS).

2- Strategies of conservation: Priorities for the species conservation in the NWMS, available tools and resources. Toward a strategy for the bottlenose dolphin conservation in the NWMS.

3- Measures of conservation: Threats for bottlenose dolphins in the NWMS; necessary, and existing conservation measures.

4- Network: Needs and tools to promote collaborations and synergies between the different actors and neighbour countries studying bottlenose dolphins in the NWMS.




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Fondation MAVA
Agence des aires marines protégées